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To My Old Friends... (December 2018)

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#1 Sage


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Posted 13 December 2018 - 12:30 AM

So, while moving, I found an old notebook with my 8BitMMO passwords written inside...I'm so glad that I used to keep my records so meticulously. I wonder how many have forgotten..? This will be my first post in almost three years...It shall be a dedication to all of the awesome people that I've met by playing this game. To those of you still around, I miss you very much. And to those of you who never had the chance to meet these players...you should be most-envious.



If you ever see this, I just want you to know that you're an awesome individual. I'm glad that at one point I could call you friend. The world is a better place with you inside it. I wish you nothing but the best...this game would be nothing without you. Whatever struggles you go through in life, just know that you've impacted me for the better.



You were such a character. I'll always miss your drunken rants. You made me smile so much...thank you. I know that one day you'll become the greatest chef in the world, if you haven't become that already lol. You're a charismatic fella, and I want you to know that I still think of you from time-to-time. I haven't forgotten all of the nice things that you've done for me.



You're hilarious. I had such an awesome time whenever you were around. I hope that one day your films/photography is world-renowned. I'll always roll "Dubs" whenever I can...see you, space cowboy. Dank clan is best clan.



You were such an awesome builder in this game. I'm sorry that I dropped off of the face of the Earth...it's complicated. I still rep the "3hunna", and I want you to know that you're one of the reasons that I kept playing. I wanted to see what you'd create next. You were a friend when I needed one most, and I thank you for that. Also, I hope you finally moved out of that crummy apartment lol.



You helped me get on my feet when I first started. You gave me a plot, helped me to settle in...without you, I might've quit in my first week. I learned a lot from you, and I hope my house still stands in your town. You're a hell of a guy, and I hope you're making something of yourself out there.



What an artist you are. If all the blocks were free, you'd probably cover the entire map in a week lol. I hope this message finds you well, and just know that whenever someone thinks of "8BitMMO", they also think of you. You were THE builder...thanks for the memories.



You're probably still banned for 100 more years. That doesn't mean I didn't enjoy talking with you..you're probably off tormenting a different community now lol. Thanks for all the late-night chats; I learned a lot about computers from you.



You were one interesting person. I met you a little later than the rest of my "crew", but you sure could put a quest together. I'll never forget the awesomeness of you making those "NPC" blocks, or when you created an entire Asian-themed town. I hope life's treating you good...it can be rough out there.



You were my best friend, man. Seriously. I'm so sorry about disappearing...I hope that one day you forgive me. Do I even need to say anything..? Our memories are between us, and just know that I remember all of them. When you finally turn 21, maybe we can have a beer together. Steak money. Lenny. Dank Clan. I'll never forget you, old friend...I think of you ALL of the time.



Thank you for making this game. If it wasn't for its creation, I would've never met such upstanding people. Many happy moments, disappointments, and lots and lots of building sessions were involved...but I regret nothing. It was an escape from "real life" for a while. An oasis. You improved my life. So take that with you, wherever you go from here. 

To everyone else...
I haven't forgotten you, I just can't type on-and-on forever lol. Kjh, Value, setk. Black Jack, Toxic, Meep. Marbel, Reaper, Star. Sneaky, Wei, madman. Ase, d0uca, Sapphire. Zloc, shcky, Alex. Chris, Beta, Dead. I'm running out of time. Please, reply if you can. I'd love to hear from my friends (all of you, no matter how little that we spoke). Until next time...this is Sage, signing out. 

Still doing the hand thing.


#2 Trololo



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Posted 15 December 2018 - 11:21 AM

I never thought I’d hear from you again, I hope all is going well in your life man. Every few months I check 8bit and it always brings back wonderful memories that few games have ever brought me. It’s depressing to see the state it’s in, but I always come back just to recollect on the past...
I wish all of the people you mentioned plus more were regulars on the game again, I wish I completed more of my projects in the game, instead of leaving so many unfinished builds (over 30 lol) but I never expected the game to just die like it did.

I expected the game to thrive. I started playing the game when there was a max of 5 players on, no mods were ever on (except grim), and most of =65 was still unexplored. Fast forward a year or so, the game gets put on steam and hundreds of players are pouring in and many updates are on the way, I become a mod and a few others after me. Fast forward 6 months, and the game has a steady 20-40 players online during the day and I was proud that I was there before it was “big” and how far the game has went.

Well around that time I got involved in legal issues and I was getting sued, so I put the game on the back burner and hardly played for about a year. When I hop online one day I hear about so many people getting banned, I JUST missed the “the great ban hammer” (or whatever it was called, there was a name for this day) by literally 24 hours. It was huge, every player who was left was telling me all about it, sadly after that day I haven’t seen any “regular” players on. And sadly after that day I just havent had it in me to play.

One day I hope we can all get online one last time and build something epic.....

P.S. Sim9 name me a price for the game, I’ll buy it if the price is within reason. (Serious)



#3 Sage


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Posted 15 December 2018 - 02:15 PM

I never thought I’d hear from you again, I hope all is going well in your life man.

My life has been quite the roller coaster ride. Since the I last time I played I've gone through several jobs, addresses, and girlfriends. But overall, I'm in a much better place than I used to be...I'm a lot healthier and wealthier. Quitting gaming has probably helped me a lot, as I have quite the addictive personality, but I'm not completely against the idea of dabbling a little...I'll hop on Minecraft from time-to-time. 


Every few months I check 8bit and it always brings back wonderful memories that few games have ever brought me. It’s depressing to see the state it’s in, but I always come back just to recollect on the past...

I'm a bit "out of the loop" about all that has transpired since my absence. But by just looking at the state of the forums, I can get a rough idea...I'm using my cell phone, so I haven't attempted logging in or anything. I'm assuming that the game is at least still up and running, correct? I couldn't access the megamap, so I wasn't too sure. I was excited to see what three years would've looked like. I'm glad that you happened to stop by when you did :)  


I wish all of the people you mentioned plus more were regulars on the game again, I wish I completed more of my projects in the game, instead of leaving so many unfinished builds (over 30 lol) but I never expected the game to just die like it did.

I expected the game to thrive. I started playing the game when there was a max of 5 players on, no mods were ever on (except grim), and most of =65 was still unexplored. Fast forward a year or so, the game gets put on steam and hundreds of players are pouring in and many updates are on the way, I become a mod and a few others after me. Fast forward 6 months, and the game has a steady 20-40 players online during the day and I was proud that I was there before it was “big” and how far the game has went.

I wish that they still played, too. And that I could just hop right back in like nothing happened...but things don't go that way, and that ain't how life goes. So there's no reason to have regrets. 


I remember when you first got modded..Meep and I got it about two months later. It was pretty hectic back then lol. I never muted more spammers or cleaned more "inappropriate" signs/structures than during the Steam launch.


Well around that time I got involved in legal issues and I was getting sued, so I put the game on the back burner and hardly played for about a year.


When I hop online one day I hear about so many people getting banned, I JUST missed the “the great ban hammer” (or whatever it was called, there was a name for this day) by literally 24 hours. It was huge, every player who was left was telling me all about it, sadly after that day I haven’t seen any “regular” players on. And sadly after that day I just havent had it in me to play.

Sorry to hear about that, I hope things went in your favor.


Woah, what's this "Great Ban Hammer" you speak of? Something big must've went down. I'll have to read some more of the old threads on here to get a better idea of what all happened.


One day I hope we can all get online one last time and build something epic.....

I'd be down...but I don't remember how to build anymore lol.

Still doing the hand thing.


#4 kjh787



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Posted 16 December 2018 - 03:55 AM

I am here. If you wish to contact me at any time, my discord is @kjh787#0001. We also have a server for old time 8bitmmo players, if you guys are interested.

Xerp, Grim, Onion, stek, Starmanfan, Kralereth, Sapphire, and a number of other old timers are all in it.

#5 Sage


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Posted 16 December 2018 - 03:55 AM

I am here. If you wish to contact me at any time, my discord is @kjh787#0001. We also have a server for old time 8bitmmo players, if you guys are interested.

Xerp, Grim, Onion, stek, Starmanfan, Kralereth, Sapphire, and a number of other old timers are all in it.

Hey Kjh! Hope everything is well  :grin:


I don't know much about discord, but I just made an account. I'll try to figure it out.

Still doing the hand thing.


#6 kjh787



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Posted 16 December 2018 - 03:56 AM

Hey Kjh! Hope everything is well  :grin:


I don't know much about discord, but I just made an account. I'll try to figure it out.

Hop on 8bitmmo. I am online rn.

#7 TheGreatOnion


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Posted 16 December 2018 - 07:43 AM

I really hope we can talk again sometime soon, you were gone for so long I doubted you'd ever come back. A lot has happened, probably far more than can I express in words but my only concern is your own well-being, and I'm genuinely glad to see you're happy. Even if the game isn't what it used to be or if the servers decide to shut down for the last time, just know that the same people you've known before are still around and they would all be delighted to know you are too.


I'd be down...but I don't remember how to build anymore lol.


You shut your trap. I will personally strap you to a chair and coach your building skills back to their former glory if need be, until you can blacken the sky with hundreds of Lana del Rey portraits. You were always the superior builder and I will not accept your piddling modesty for an answer.

#8 Gotmilk



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Posted 16 December 2018 - 08:30 PM

I am here. If you wish to contact me at any time, my discord is @kjh787#0001. We also have a server for old time 8bitmmo players, if you guys are interested.

Xerp, Grim, Onion, stek, Starmanfan, Kralereth, Sapphire, and a number of other old timers are all in it.

Id love to join the discord bud.

#9 shcky



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Posted 16 December 2018 - 10:17 PM

Hey old friend great to hear from you... everythings great this way like always...we all need to have a og gathering of some sorts  miss u bud take care hope u have a great christmas holidays with family and friends

#10 Pika


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Posted 17 December 2018 - 11:58 PM

I heard about this post and thought I should drop in

#11 Sage


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Posted 18 December 2018 - 04:37 AM

I really hope we can talk again sometime soon, you were gone for so long I doubted you'd ever come back. A lot has happened, probably far more than can I express in words but my only concern is your own well-being, and I'm genuinely glad to see you're happy. Even if the game isn't what it used to be or if the servers decide to shut down for the last time, just know that the same people you've known before are still around and they would all be delighted to know you are too.

Unun!  :-o

Thanks for caring about my well-being, and I AM happier at this time for sure. I was going through a pretty big depression spell back when I was playing..but you guys always cheered me right back up. It doesn't matter if us players don't know each others' names, locations, or stories. I consider us all friends, and I want to try to remain in contact with you guys from now on. I don't really play games anymore...but I'll figure something out.


You shut your trap. I will personally strap you to a chair and coach your building skills back to their former glory if need be, until you can blacken the sky with hundreds of Lana del Rey portraits. You were always the superior builder and I will not accept your piddling modesty for an answer.

Hah! It's funny...like the ultimate noob, I might have to spam in chat "how do I write on a sign?" again. I'd love to build something...just gotta find the time.


Id love to join the discord bud.

Hopefully he'll let you in. We need allllllll the 8bitterssss in there.


Hey old friend great to hear from you... everythings great this way like always...we all need to have a og gathering of some sorts  miss u bud take care hope u have a great christmas holidays with family and friends

shcky...I hope life's treating you well. You were always such a nice person to me, and I hope that you get to do everything you ever wanted. A gathering would be wonderful! I don't really have an easy way to play the game at the moment (in the process of moving..so I gave away all the things that weren't essential, like my desktop) but surely I can find a way to log in somehow soon. 


I heard about this post and thought I should drop in

Ayy Pika  :grin:

Still doing the hand thing.


#12 zone115



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Posted 24 December 2018 - 04:01 AM

I don't know if I ever really talked to you a whole lot or if I ever actually saw you, but hey! Fistbump

I don't really know what to say here except hi, to be honest, but, yeah. I'm active on 8Bit so if you want to talk to me just hop on. :D



#13 madman


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Posted 24 December 2018 - 09:29 PM

I can't believe it's been almost 5 years since I first started playing 8bitmmo. I still clearly remember my first few weeks playing the game, the feeling of accomplishment I got whenever I killed a dire game reviewer in the new world after a prolonged fight of me stabbing it once with my blue sword and then running away before stabbing it again. In those days, even something as simple as killing a mob was enjoyable. In those simpler days, the game was still fresh and new to me, I found everything exciting and thrilling. When I made my first town, which Sage owns now, I was so happy and it was all thanks to Kyro generously selling me a town stone at a low price, especially back in those days when not many people had town stones for sale apart from kjh. However, it was inevitable that I would eventually get bored of killing mobs and building structures, especially when I wasn't that good at it. Creating pixel art was quite enjoyable, but sometimes it really hurt my wallet, and I was never the kind you'd find grinding every gold cycle at the zoo until I maxed out, so eventually I couldn't keep making pixel art because of gold constraints. At this stage, the game-play was no longer extremely appealing to me, but the reason why I couldn't bring myself to quit (yet) was simply because of the fact that many people start off playing to enjoy the game-play, but those who stay do it because of the great community. I stuck around for as long as I did because I enjoyed talking, and interacting with all the regulars. Every now and then, some regulars would take time off, but they would always eventually return, and that was the basis of our tight-knit 8bitmmo community. Our tight-knit 8bitmmo community, however, soon began to fall apart due to various reasons. For some regulars, it was due to having to live their lives, and I hope they are doing well in their real life endeavors. For some others, however, it was due to being unsatisfied with the game or Sim9 in general, which lead to some prominent people in the community being banned, most notably zooty and the mod Hermit. Once Hermit, a mod, was banned the community suddenly became extremely volatile, and consequentially a lot of regulars also voiced their opinions and got hit with the ban hammer. As the community began to diminish due to the banning, many people who were not banned, such as myself, stopped playing simply because there was no longer a community. In the end, the banning of many regulars left a void that could not be fixed in the community. Nevertheless, the couple of years I did spend playing the game were full of fun and enjoyment, and I hope that in not just my own, but everyone elses memories, 8bitmmo will be remembered as it was in its glory days rather than what it is in more recent times.



#14 Sage


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Posted 25 December 2018 - 01:31 PM

I don't know if I ever really talked to you a whole lot or if I ever actually saw you, but hey! Fistbump

I don't really know what to say here except hi, to be honest, but, yeah. I'm active on 8Bit so if you want to talk to me just hop on. :D

Hey, dude! Fistbump

I'll say hi if I see you around.


I can't believe it's been almost 5 years since I first started playing 8bitmmo. I still clearly remember my first few weeks playing the game, the feeling of accomplishment I got whenever I killed a dire game reviewer in the new world after a prolonged fight of me stabbing it once with my blue sword and then running away before stabbing it again. In those days, even something as simple as killing a mob was enjoyable. In those simpler days, the game was still fresh and new to me, I found everything exciting and thrilling. When I made my first town, which Sage owns now, I was so happy and it was all thanks to Kyro generously selling me a town stone at a low price, especially back in those days when not many people had town stones for sale apart from kjh. However, it was inevitable that I would eventually get bored of killing mobs and building structures, especially when I wasn't that good at it. Creating pixel art was quite enjoyable, but sometimes it really hurt my wallet, and I was never the kind you'd find grinding every gold cycle at the zoo until I maxed out, so eventually I couldn't keep making pixel art because of gold constraints. At this stage, the game-play was no longer extremely appealing to me, but the reason why I couldn't bring myself to quit (yet) was simply because of the fact that many people start off playing to enjoy the game-play, but those who stay do it because of the great community. I stuck around for as long as I did because I enjoyed talking, and interacting with all the regulars. Every now and then, some regulars would take time off, but they would always eventually return, and that was the basis of our tight-knit 8bitmmo community. Our tight-knit 8bitmmo community, however, soon began to fall apart due to various reasons. For some regulars, it was due to having to live their lives, and I hope they are doing well in their real life endeavors. For some others, however, it was due to being unsatisfied with the game or Sim9 in general, which lead to some prominent people in the community being banned, most notably zooty and the mod Hermit. Once Hermit, a mod, was banned the community suddenly became extremely volatile, and consequentially a lot of regulars also voiced their opinions and got hit with the ban hammer. As the community began to diminish due to the banning, many people who were not banned, such as myself, stopped playing simply because there was no longer a community. In the end, the banning of many regulars left a void that could not be fixed in the community. Nevertheless, the couple of years I did spend playing the game were full of fun and enjoyment, and I hope that in not just my own, but everyone elses memories, 8bitmmo will be remembered as it was in its glory days rather than what it is in more recent times.

Wow, thanks for this post. Not only did you explain your own story and feelings, but you also explained a lot about what was going on after I left. Sounds like a "rebellion" of sorts was created, and was eventually quelled. I fall into the "having to live their lives" category myself, but it's sad hear about all of those players being banned. Also, hi madman :D


Merry Christmas Everyone!

Still doing the hand thing.


#15 RobbyZ



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Posted 26 December 2018 - 10:13 PM

Yep, it's really sad.  But let's be clear, they got banned because they decided to post antisemitic content, racist content, doxx other players, hack the game, etc.  Not the sort of thing pretty much any game community should tolerate.


Also, community activity had tapered off well before a couple trolls got banned.  You can plot active users on a graph since launch and it follows a near perfectly mathematical downward curve.  It sucks, but even though I tried for a couple years with many updates to reverse the course of that graph and make the game grow, nothing I did was able to have any effect on it.

#16 zone115



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Posted 26 December 2018 - 11:13 PM

I can't believe it's been almost 5 years since I first started playing 8bitmmo. I still clearly remember my first few weeks playing the game, the feeling of accomplishment I got whenever I killed a dire game reviewer in the new world after a prolonged fight of me stabbing it once with my blue sword and then running away before stabbing it again. In those days, even something as simple as killing a mob was enjoyable. In those simpler days, the game was still fresh and new to me, I found everything exciting and thrilling. When I made my first town, which Sage owns now, I was so happy and it was all thanks to Kyro generously selling me a town stone at a low price, especially back in those days when not many people had town stones for sale apart from kjh. However, it was inevitable that I would eventually get bored of killing mobs and building structures, especially when I wasn't that good at it. Creating pixel art was quite enjoyable, but sometimes it really hurt my wallet, and I was never the kind you'd find grinding every gold cycle at the zoo until I maxed out, so eventually I couldn't keep making pixel art because of gold constraints. At this stage, the game-play was no longer extremely appealing to me, but the reason why I couldn't bring myself to quit (yet) was simply because of the fact that many people start off playing to enjoy the game-play, but those who stay do it because of the great community. I stuck around for as long as I did because I enjoyed talking, and interacting with all the regulars. Every now and then, some regulars would take time off, but they would always eventually return, and that was the basis of our tight-knit 8bitmmo community. Our tight-knit 8bitmmo community, however, soon began to fall apart due to various reasons. For some regulars, it was due to having to live their lives, and I hope they are doing well in their real life endeavors. For some others, however, it was due to being unsatisfied with the game or Sim9 in general, which lead to some prominent people in the community being banned, most notably zooty and the mod Hermit. Once Hermit, a mod, was banned the community suddenly became extremely volatile, and consequentially a lot of regulars also voiced their opinions and got hit with the ban hammer. As the community began to diminish due to the banning, many people who were not banned, such as myself, stopped playing simply because there was no longer a community. In the end, the banning of many regulars left a void that could not be fixed in the community. Nevertheless, the couple of years I did spend playing the game were full of fun and enjoyment, and I hope that in not just my own, but everyone elses memories, 8bitmmo will be remembered as it was in its glory days rather than what it is in more recent times.

Is it silly that I didn't know why the banwave happened before this post?



#17 Sage


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Posted 27 December 2018 - 10:17 PM

Yep, it's really sad.  But let's be clear, they got banned because they decided to post antisemitic content, racist content, doxx other players, hack the game, etc.  Not the sort of thing pretty much any game community should tolerate.

Every story has two sides. It makes perfect sense to me...it doesn't matter who you are, if you break the rules you're going to get banned. I think what would cause those players to act in that way must've been frustration. Or boredom. Or possibly just to challenge you, and see if you'd do anything about it.


Also, community activity had tapered off well before a couple trolls got banned.  You can plot active users on a graph since launch and it follows a near perfectly mathematical downward curve.  It sucks, but even though I tried for a couple years with many updates to reverse the course of that graph and make the game grow, nothing I did was able to have any effect on it.

In this day and age, even triple-A games share a similar fate..at least the multiplayer ones. Things move in-and-out of fashion at lightspeed anymore...maybe the market is just being flooded. I totally understand why things are the way they are.


Is it silly that I didn't know why the banwave happened before this post?

Of course not. You've got to hear it from the players that were there.

Still doing the hand thing.


#18 RB67



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Posted 28 December 2018 - 09:02 AM


You're hilarious. I had such an awesome time whenever you were around. I hope that one day your films/photography is world-renowned. I'll always roll "Dubs" whenever I can...see you, space cowboy. Dank clan is best clan.


Dude, it is so good to hear that you're doing okay. I had actually thought that you had passed away, I'm so grateful to hear from you and that you're doing well. It's been a long time old buddy. Hop onto Steam one of these days, you can add me on Discord too. Kyro#8571


Yep, it's really sad.  But let's be clear, they got banned because they decided to post antisemitic content, racist content, doxx other players, hack the game, etc.  Not the sort of thing pretty much any game community should tolerate.



It's still one of my biggest regrets, that was a pretty dark time. I had actually hopped on here because I got your email about the new game and your Gamejam game Unexpectigun. I'm happy you're doing well Robby, I miss playing 8Bit a ton. I hope Dragon Audit takes off dude, I wish you nothing but the best. 

When I made my first town, which Sage owns now, I was so happy and it was all thanks to Kyro generously selling me a town stone at a low price, especially back in those days when not many people had town stones for sale apart from kjh.


Its my pleasure buddy.


#19 bumchin


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Posted 28 December 2018 - 03:33 PM

Hey Sage I'm glad you're back, probably my first encounter with you was at that zoo you built around about 5 years ago. It's really bizarre to think I was 15 then, alot has changed and I think everyone has for the better. Wiser and more mature, good too here from you again buddy. :)

                                                   bumchin               furychin




                                 [17:46] <@EightBitMMO> [GLOBAL] <bumchin> selling kidney's 1k each

                                 [17:46] <@EightBitMMO> <Waldin> kidney0s?
                                 [17:47] <@EightBitMMO> <bumchin> The ones you harvest out of people >;D

#20 Sage


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Posted 29 December 2018 - 02:52 AM

Dude, it is so good to hear that you're doing okay. I had actually thought that you had passed away, I'm so grateful to hear from you and that you're doing well. It's been a long time old buddy. Hop onto Steam one of these days, you can add me on Discord too. Kyro#8571

Ayy! I'm sorry that you thought I died or something..I guess I sort of did, in a way. I just had a lot going on that I don't want to get into. But it's super cool to hear from you, and I'll hit you up for sure. I don't know if I have my Steam information anymore..but I'll look for it, and I can add you on Discord. 


It's still one of my biggest regrets, that was a pretty dark time

It was a pretty dark time for me, too. My memories of 8BitMMO are bittersweet..tainted by all the others things that were going on at that time. I was younger, dumber, and have a lot of regrets. But I also think that the game helped me to get by; it gave me a purpose when I needed one.


Hey Sage I'm glad you're back, probably my first encounter with you was at that zoo you built around about 5 years ago.

Ha, yeah. Back when Dire Island was competitive..then that bug was found that let you place more spawners in the same area, so kjh made the "superzoo" and the rest is history.


It's really bizarre to think I was 15 then, alot has changed and I think everyone has for the better. Wiser and more mature, good too here from you again buddy. :)

Wow, I BET a lot has changed..in that time period from around 15 to about 19 a ton of things usually happen. Eventually the "it keeps getting worse" phase fizzles out, and the "okay, now it's starting to get better" era begins. But anyway, yeah, thanks for stopping by  :grin:

Still doing the hand thing.
