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8bitmmo Help: Stuff To Know

Guide Help Zloc6

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#1 Δ§Δ§IN Zloc

Δ§Δ§IN Zloc

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Posted 23 July 2013 - 08:45 PM


Since I've joined 8bitmmo, I've gain a few strategies on how to become a succesful player/builder, whatever you want to call it. One of the best Architects of the Architects rather. For my kindness, I thought about sharing it to you. Only thought about it for 2 minutes because it was basically a "Why Not," moment. So sit back and STUDY!

Into the New World.  

As soon as you enter Root, your instincts will be to complete all of Draco's quest and stuff which is what I advise. Once doing so, I advise you to talk to Sir Zombie Brains and start doing quests that he gives you. At the end of each quest, you will recieve a rewardblock, which rewards you with 50g. Some of the rewards that are out don’t have a quest with it, which is quite dumb, so saya great /rewardblocks and search for them. A great way for searching for them is going on the Map, input the coordinates and then you’ll be on your way. A great way to get 50g, isn’t it? But if you’re that kind of person who is an in-game couch potato, you don’t have to listen to that fun, adventurous technique that can help you understand the quest better and help you gain more skills. Moving on. . . The first two that are given by Sir Zombie Brains are in PsychoticSmiley's and Sim9's dungeon. They are extremely easy and fast to complete. Now, let’s talk about that level bar and how it contributes to Sir Zombie Brains.


As you look on the top left side of your screen, you'll see your level bar. I do advise you to level up ASAP so you can unlock marvelous clothing and blocks and what not. The fastest way to do so is to complete Sir Zombie Brain’s quest. As you level up, you get quests that make you kills Hipsters, Game Reviewers and so on. Then at Level 4, you get to do player-based quests! Darn, ain’t that something else? Watch out for my quest though, not many can finish it. Maybe because they are not Assassins like you and I.

So now I have you with a stack of gold, probably 1k or so and blocks to purchase. Now, what many people do right away is ask to join a town. Sadly, many of those opportunities are turned down because there aren't a lot of mayors on or they just refuse to await your service. No worries brother. The best thing to do while you wait is get to know players better such as Mods and experience player. Then you will have the "Key to their Brains" and hopefully, get a town to join. And sooner or later, you will run out of gold because you tried to make a mansion, bar, pool, and other ordinary things, but you settle to make a normal house. My best advice is to say /tele zoo because a great architect named Kjh787 made a popular farming town for you guys to benefit.


Into the New World Review.

  1. Complete Draco's Quests
  2. Complete quest from Sir Zombie Brains to level up and get gold.
  3. Bond with the people of 8bitmmo and get to know them better so you can be accepted into the town easier
  4. Say /tele zoo to enter Kjh787's Zoo to farm. 

Making a house. Indept thinking

I'm going to make this one short and pretty simple. Making a house is the Number #1 thing that everyone who is starting out wants to make as soon as they join. Well, when making a home, you will need to ask yourself some questions. Did I make a complete square or is there a poll in the middle of my house? Is my Z Axis lock set to auto or is my house floating in the air? Is that a roof? Where is my roof? Is that a floor? Did I make a house? Am I a good architect? Okay, ask yourself some of those questions, though ask yourself all of those questions. I'm not confusing. Before buiilding a house, you must know these controls.

  • Press I to go to your inventory
  • Press H to go to the shop
  • Press R after you click a block in your inventory to place it
  • Press Q to remove a block already placed. 

When your making a home, good techniques are listed ahead. I prefer you make a base. I will use cement blocks to make a complete square/rectangle/triangle/no shape structure. When doing that, your door or window and whatnots won't be blow the grass, if you want to put grass. I recommend grass. If you want to add some carpet then remove the inner part of the base and go on from there. Next, you will want to take whatever blocks you want to make the walls. This one is important, listen carefully. If you have not added the beds or other stuff, it is totally okay. Construct the North, East and West walls now, not the south wall because it may block the areas you want to place objects in. When constructing the walls I told you to make, you can go from left to right or right to left on the north (even south) wall, but for the east and west walls, I advise you to go from the top to the bottom. Sometimes, if you are not to careful when going bottom to the top, you create the "Poll". And if you are not careful doing other things, you may have some holes in your wall. Don't have holes in your wall. 

So, now you made the walls, added your indoor items and is ready to make the roof. Before you make the roof, you can add the south wall with your door and windows and whatnots. If you are going to make a second floor, obviously make a staircase somewhere to get there and follow the same directions before. Now, the part that everyone always ask about. "How do I make a roof?" Well, on the bottom right of your screen, there is something called 'Z Axis Lock'. Yes, I know, its named after me. But when you set the height of your block, you can immediately place the roof with no problem. But do know that your cursor won't be on point with the block so you'll need to move it down a notch to get it to the area you want. "But how do I know my height?" Well you are an architect so do some testing and BINGO, you got it! 


Making a house. Indept thinking Review

  1. Ask yourself some questions on what you want to build and if your home meets criteria
  2. Create a full base of the house, and if you want to add carpet or anything carve out the base and go on from there.
  3. First make the Norh wall, East and West wall so the south wall won't block anything else you may want to put in there.
  4. When making the walls, for the east and west walls, go from top to bottom to stay away from dilemmas.
  5. When making a roof, use the Z-Axis Lock to guide you.  

Getting a town.

We all know that the first thing on our minds is getting a town and act like Winston Churchill throughout it. Well, I knew I was right. If you want to get a town, I would stop playing Hide and Go Seek with your friends and head to work. Grab your sword and head over to any dungeon of your choice and start slaying heads. Or, you can grab your mother's credit card, after asking her and purchase some plat. At least 10p is needed for the townstone but it could be good to get more for the telepads and expansions and what not. But for most kids, their mothers will say, "I'm not wasting my money on games." And I get that. But what they don't know is that your giving a little portion of your paycheck to a man who is relying on this game to pay his bills. Tell them that and watch them pull out their credit card, or ground you. But enough about that. If you want to purchase the plat (it comes with lots of gold too :)), then go to Menu > Get Gold. From there you deal with all the required elements.


But if you're not buying it, you have some luck. Some players sell the townstone for around 4000 - 5000 gold. Its not alot a money if you think about it. If you actually put in your dedication to this game you can collect 1k per day and probably get 5k within a week or less. After you're finished with all that "hard-Work and Dedication" stuff, start asking the mods such as Grim, Reap3r and Psy for a townstone. But one person that I would REALLY look for is Kjh787. He has all the materials you need, but he is quite in and out. So be patient and wait. 


Getting a town Review.

  1. If you want a town, collect 5000 max gold to purchase from another player OR go to Menu > Get Gold and purchase your plat with real money.
  2. If you are going to purchase it from another player, ask the mods mostly, but KJH787 has all you need and will give you what you want.

Constructing a town.

I feel like this is one of the most important things I am going to share with all of you guys. So yes, all of you guys should listen, from starters to "so-called" experienced players that aren't that too much experienced in their town. No pointing fingers. I'm going to tell you what NOOBS do with their town. And yes, I just said it. NOOBS. When noobs get a town, they place that big ol' townstone down and go off building a home straight out of the Pawn Shop. They add all these people and let them place shacks and "houses" in their town. And since I know you're not a noob, you won't do that.


Once you get that townstone, I advise you not to place it one the default dirt. Why? Cause I said so, and its plain UGLY. What you should do is place it at height 8 or to be more simple, on top of a half block. Therefore you can place it inside a house with no problem or put it on grass, so on so on. Now, this is the time where you will have to make an option. Do you want it to be an attraction town or a citizen town (as in have player build homes in there). If you chose an attraction town, continue reading. If you chose a citizen town, you BETTER read on. If you chose both, you should know by now. There are four things that you need to plan out for your town. The grassing, roads, walls and plots (if its a citizen town then plots). You don't know how many times I go to towns and see just dirt and a cement house.


Another important thing I would personally recommend is to keep your town private and wait until you finished with all of the construction. You can tell a friend or two to help you build, but just remember this; the paparazzi are only coming through once. If they don't like what they see, they are out of there. So keep it incognito before they come. When your done finishing constructing your town, I would recommend that you buy a telepad. That is a better way on getting people to your town faster, and more often. They are also a threat to your outside area, but forget I said that. And when citizen start to come, keep an eye out for their progress. I know you don't want to have so many people listed in your town info but only have 3 houses. And I don't want to see that either so, make sure you see whether the person you added has built a house. If they haven't in like a three days, you can remove them as a Cit. and wait for them for the approval to rejoin. 

By the way, you should have read this, especially how my computer shut down on itself and I had to write this category all over again.

Constructing a town Review

  1. Place your townstone at the height of 8, at least or on top of a half block. 
  2. Choose the type of town it will be, attraction town or a citizen town. 
  3. Remember the four things you must do first before you even think about adding cits: Grassing, walls, plots and roads.
  4. Keep your town private until you KNOW its ready for citizens.
  5. Buy a telepad so more people can visit more often and faster.
  6. Be sure to clean out your citizen's list if the people you add aren't building.

Living the millionaire dream. 

So, as of now you have a town, you are known in the world and you probably have a few Ks in the safe. By the way, I would buy a safe. They cost around 2500 gold and you can get it from yours truly Kjh787 or and other mods on the block. The safe is a great way to store money for the future. Pretend the money is your backup money and only use it when necessary like when your buying a town, plat items etc. If no one knows you yet, still, try to do more interaction and talk to some of the people you see such as mods, players, pretty much everyone. So, stack up on lots of gold and plat if you can and try to be yourself. Build some attractions that can boost your popularity or something. Be great in 8bitmmo. And I know you didn't get this part that I said, get gold. Stack on gold, stack on gold, and get gold. I advise you to get at least 10k so you can get some more towns and be more like Winston Churchill. Here's a link to him if you have no info about him: http://en.wikipedia....nston_Churchill


So, this is me signing out for now until I get some more ideas of how to live life like a millionaire. Get gold by getting rewardblocks, slicing heads, and doing some contests some players hold like the one SapphireCoyote has on this forum. 



Good luck in 8bitmmo!


Living the millionaire dream.

  1. Get a safe to store all of the money you WILL get from farming. 
  2. Stack on lots of money to build more things in your interest. 
  3. BE YOURSELF in your creation
  4. Interact with players to get known throughout the game. 
  5. Be like Winston Churchill


Talk to Zloc6 if you got a chance. I'll be there! And to finish things off, Good Luck and have fun! Up top is a poll if you fond this Topic helpful. I'm sure you did! :D





Bonus: Money Crisis

There will be a time when you don't have no money in the safe or money within your wallet, believe me. If you have not been reading my 8bitmmo: Stuff to Know then it will happen, happy? Okay, don't worry about that, I got you covered (with Allstate). If you are down to your last dime, stop buying guns and races and crap because they are just little Meeps that will take away your money in a Jippy. What you need to do is take the safe out from under your bed and place it right in front of that townstone, if you have one. If not, then place it where someone can see it. Doing that, you will get a 23% chance of someone putting money in there. Now, if you realized that when you kill cats, you don't get money some of the times, well its because of the Gold C-Y-C-L-E. Say /gold to check it out. Once the gold cycle resets itself, your chance of getting gold from everyone has just increased. So, what I would do is try to run for the gold every time you see that cycle reset. 

Now, for the safe, set a limit for yourself. When you collect 5k, put that into your safe and do not go under 5000. Its like a emergency money. Except, you don't use it. Funny right? It basically just shows other players that you have money. And try to avoid "gambling" in 8bitmmo. I don't see many events now, but back then it was THE TREND. There would be gambling on fights, races, even gambling money on money if you wanted to. So, try avoid that because you will not turn into Bill Gates from there. You turn into a millionaire by being smart with yourself. So that's what I recommend. Last thing. I do this, but I don't recommend this to any of you because you may lose interest in the game quickly but, when new gold cycles appear, kill some mobs, then when you see no more gold coming, AFK until the new cycle. Recently, I have done that and I found out that I had over 3000g in my pouch. So, hang in there kiddo and watch the money come back like a cat running away from home. 


Bonus: Money Crisis Review. 

  1. Stop buying stupid junk like guns and races if you don't really need them. They are recommend for fun. 
  2. Place the safe and place it where everyone can see it so more donations can be added. 
  3. Say /gold to look at the Gold Cycle to see the best chance to start farming
  4. With your safe, set a limit on it (about 5k) and never go under there.
  5. Try avoiding gambling on 8bitmmo. You lose money except of gaining sometimes. 

Bonus: 8bit Wars. 

Well, I really don't feel like discussing this topic since it is a rusty topic, but it is good to know. Over the years of 8bitmmo, especially in the year 2012 when everyone thought the world was going to end, things got crazy. I don't want to go into critical details, but there was a "War" that came and it wasn't that pretty. Town A was trolled by 2 player (wonder who :P) and then Town A was trolled once again. But then your ol' pal Zloc here saved the day and removed the Troll from society. So, now you know that it is real and that it can happen no matter what happens. Since this is a sandbox game, you make the stories. Now, in this portion of my guiding, U will tell you what to do and what not to do when there is a breakage of war. Though, before I start to explain, don't worry. There hasn't been a conflict that bad in over a year, but do be certain that TROLLING happens everyday because of selfish people not obeying the rules of 8bitmmo. What is trolling you ask? It is when a person disturbs your environment by either removing/or placing blocks everywhere. 


What to Do

  • As soon as you here that there is going to be war in 8bitmmo, lock up your towns. Remove all access to it because you never know if the war might just come to you. 
  • If it is none of your business, or it is a war against your two bestest friends, stay neutral  80% of the time it will just be arguments and if you happen to choose a side to fight on, even though there isn't fighting, you just lost a friend.
  • If you are the rival, lock down your town, remove any accesses and gather a strong army to defend. Be clear on this, the offensive move in 8bitmmo is unlikely since the time zones are not the same. In the argument stage, where everyone is saying that war is to come and stuff, always gather a firm defensive group, because I guarantee that now offensive moves are going to conduct if it is not that serious. Trust me on this one. Only a handful of members in 8bitmmo would actually attack you.

At the end of it, I left out the most important details there are if trouble starts to fall. Just see this as the "Warm up". To learn more information about this dreadful subject, contact your local Zloc6 contact form for In Dept Thinking session. 


Edited by Δ§Δ§IN Zloc6, 28 December 2013 - 11:54 PM.

Highlight my Signature to see it! 

Good work Assassin. But I'm still better than you at being it. Try to top my "signature skills" with one of your own. 

I'M THE AUTHOR OF 8BITMMO, and the best Assassin around who was the first one actually jumped over spikes by kicking off a wall, YEP. I'm serious! 

ezio_pixelart___animated_by_growlitheappAlso be sure to check out my Info Guide: 8bitmmo: Stuff To Know (All you need to know about 8bitmmo!)

#2 Reap3r119


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Posted 24 July 2013 - 05:03 AM

Nice work, zloc.

You're reaper, but your avatar is a dragon on a farm tool?

Yes. A dragon on a farm tool. Your point?

#3 Δ§Δ§IN Zloc

Δ§Δ§IN Zloc

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Posted 24 July 2013 - 12:41 PM

Nice work, zloc.

Thank you Reap3r. I put lots of thought into creating a good guide for others. Do you have any recommendations? 

Highlight my Signature to see it! 

Good work Assassin. But I'm still better than you at being it. Try to top my "signature skills" with one of your own. 

I'M THE AUTHOR OF 8BITMMO, and the best Assassin around who was the first one actually jumped over spikes by kicking off a wall, YEP. I'm serious! 

ezio_pixelart___animated_by_growlitheappAlso be sure to check out my Info Guide: 8bitmmo: Stuff To Know (All you need to know about 8bitmmo!)

#4 Reap3r119


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Posted 24 July 2013 - 06:14 PM

The use of monospace is confusing, but I like the use of colors for highlighting

You're reaper, but your avatar is a dragon on a farm tool?

Yes. A dragon on a farm tool. Your point?

#5 Δ§Δ§IN Zloc

Δ§Δ§IN Zloc

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Posted 24 July 2013 - 07:02 PM

The use of monospace is confusing, but I like the use of colors for highlighting

Yeah, I put the colors in to things stand out, as you know. And I just love monospace. It makes it seems like its Official in some way to me. Idk, but I'll change it if it starts to turn into a complaint. 

Highlight my Signature to see it! 

Good work Assassin. But I'm still better than you at being it. Try to top my "signature skills" with one of your own. 

I'M THE AUTHOR OF 8BITMMO, and the best Assassin around who was the first one actually jumped over spikes by kicking off a wall, YEP. I'm serious! 

ezio_pixelart___animated_by_growlitheappAlso be sure to check out my Info Guide: 8bitmmo: Stuff To Know (All you need to know about 8bitmmo!)

#6 Rember



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Posted 13 August 2013 - 07:12 PM

Nice job! This really helps newer players view the community from inside as well start off fresh in this amazing place

#7 Δ§Δ§IN Zloc

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Posted 13 August 2013 - 08:14 PM

Why thank you Rember. Im glad you liked it! :D

Highlight my Signature to see it! 

Good work Assassin. But I'm still better than you at being it. Try to top my "signature skills" with one of your own. 

I'M THE AUTHOR OF 8BITMMO, and the best Assassin around who was the first one actually jumped over spikes by kicking off a wall, YEP. I'm serious! 

ezio_pixelart___animated_by_growlitheappAlso be sure to check out my Info Guide: 8bitmmo: Stuff To Know (All you need to know about 8bitmmo!)

#8 RobbyZ



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Posted 13 August 2013 - 09:54 PM

Nice job! This really helps newer players view the community from inside as well start off fresh in this amazing place

Welcome to the forums, Rember.  Nice avatar

#9 Rember



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Posted 14 August 2013 - 01:17 PM

Welcome to the forums, Rember.  Nice avatar

Thank you  :razz:

#10 Δ§Δ§IN Zloc

Δ§Δ§IN Zloc

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Posted 05 September 2013 - 10:12 PM

Update: Added Making a Home, Money Crisis and 8bit Wars. :D

Highlight my Signature to see it! 

Good work Assassin. But I'm still better than you at being it. Try to top my "signature skills" with one of your own. 

I'M THE AUTHOR OF 8BITMMO, and the best Assassin around who was the first one actually jumped over spikes by kicking off a wall, YEP. I'm serious! 

ezio_pixelart___animated_by_growlitheappAlso be sure to check out my Info Guide: 8bitmmo: Stuff To Know (All you need to know about 8bitmmo!)

#11 RobbyZ



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Posted 06 September 2013 - 11:20 PM

I kind of love the idea of town vs town warfare :D

#12 liam2


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Posted 07 September 2013 - 12:30 AM

this is funny



Bonus: Money Crisis





stop buying guns and races and crap because they are


just little Meeps   LOL meeps


The liam2 is an extremely rare find. he is found afk in root or more often afk at his base if he is not in ether then you may look in zoo.

#13 Δ§Δ§IN Zloc

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Posted 06 March 2014 - 01:37 AM

Trying to bring this back to life. Most Liked Content by the way. Thanks guys. :D 

Highlight my Signature to see it! 

Good work Assassin. But I'm still better than you at being it. Try to top my "signature skills" with one of your own. 

I'M THE AUTHOR OF 8BITMMO, and the best Assassin around who was the first one actually jumped over spikes by kicking off a wall, YEP. I'm serious! 

ezio_pixelart___animated_by_growlitheappAlso be sure to check out my Info Guide: 8bitmmo: Stuff To Know (All you need to know about 8bitmmo!)

#14 Δ§Δ§IN Zloc

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Posted 07 March 2014 - 09:42 PM

Or just to bring it back to back to life since there isn't any other topic like this except for Trololo's which talks about making a house. -_- Pretty f*cked up you say that considering the fact that I spent good time making this. Information that is pretty useful. 

Highlight my Signature to see it! 

Good work Assassin. But I'm still better than you at being it. Try to top my "signature skills" with one of your own. 

I'M THE AUTHOR OF 8BITMMO, and the best Assassin around who was the first one actually jumped over spikes by kicking off a wall, YEP. I'm serious! 

ezio_pixelart___animated_by_growlitheappAlso be sure to check out my Info Guide: 8bitmmo: Stuff To Know (All you need to know about 8bitmmo!)

#15 AlexINF


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Posted 05 April 2014 - 12:45 PM

Zloc a question: LOL when you need money and you have 5k in safe, you dont get the money? STUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUPID no?

#16 Δ§Δ§IN Zloc

Δ§Δ§IN Zloc

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Posted 05 April 2014 - 09:57 PM

Zloc a question: LOL when you need money and you have 5k in safe, you dont get the money? STUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUPID no?

Unless you would want to stay broke your whole time playing 8bitMMO, then you go right ahead Alex and use that money. :D The point of having 5000g in the safe is because you have "value" and you gain some recognition. How do you think you look with a safe with 0g in it. STUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUPID no? But they are just some tips that I think are correct, if you disagree, ignore that part. :D Thanks for the question. 

Highlight my Signature to see it! 

Good work Assassin. But I'm still better than you at being it. Try to top my "signature skills" with one of your own. 

I'M THE AUTHOR OF 8BITMMO, and the best Assassin around who was the first one actually jumped over spikes by kicking off a wall, YEP. I'm serious! 

ezio_pixelart___animated_by_growlitheappAlso be sure to check out my Info Guide: 8bitmmo: Stuff To Know (All you need to know about 8bitmmo!)

#17 AlexINF


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Posted 11 May 2014 - 12:09 PM


Unless you would want to stay broke your whole time playing 8bitMMO, then you go right ahead Alex and use that money. :D The point of having 5000g in the safe is because you have "value" and you gain some recognition. How do you think you look with a safe with 0g in it. STUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUPID no? But they are just some tips that I think are correct, if you disagree, ignore that part. :D Thanks for the question. 

I did that when i was a noob. Now i have 18k emergency.

this is funny
Bonus: Money Crisis
stop buying guns and races and crap because they are
just little Meeps   LOL meeps

If you know, meep boughted like 1300 guns before. So watch out.

#18 Zooty


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Posted 11 May 2014 - 03:01 PM


I did that when i was a noob. Now i have 18k emergency.
If you know, meep boughted like 1300 guns before. So watch out.



Why would you need emergency money?


#19 Zooty


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Posted 11 May 2014 - 08:36 PM

He meant botted. :P

For an emergency


But in 8BitMMO, when would you urgently require money?


#20 Δ§Δ§IN Zloc

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Posted 11 May 2014 - 11:36 PM

But in 8BitMMO, when would you urgently require money?

An amazing bid/auction, an townstone/town/plat item on sale. Etc 

Highlight my Signature to see it! 

Good work Assassin. But I'm still better than you at being it. Try to top my "signature skills" with one of your own. 

I'M THE AUTHOR OF 8BITMMO, and the best Assassin around who was the first one actually jumped over spikes by kicking off a wall, YEP. I'm serious! 

ezio_pixelart___animated_by_growlitheappAlso be sure to check out my Info Guide: 8bitmmo: Stuff To Know (All you need to know about 8bitmmo!)