It has been a good long time, and I was very much in a reminiscing mood recently, which inevitably led me here!
In a time past I might consider this off topic and mini-mod at someone for it, but I think we're a little past that, eh?
Anyways, just wanted to pop in and say how much this game and community meant and still means to me. Truly the niche internet micro-community to end all niche internet micro-communities. Thanks sim9 for being the maestro behind this orchestra, and everyone else, you know who you are, there are literally too many of you to list, and I hope each and every one of you is doing well, wherever life has taken you!
SO, If you happen to stumble across this post by some power or chance or disney magic or something, what is one (or more, idk) memory of 8bitmmo that has stuck with you, to this day?