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Time Capsule


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#1 Setk


    Starts with the same letter as shcky

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Posted 25 August 2023 - 04:38 AM

It has been a good long time, and I was very much in a reminiscing mood recently, which inevitably led me here!


In a time past I might consider this off topic and mini-mod at someone for it, but I think we're a little past that, eh?  :lol!:


Anyways, just wanted to pop in and say how much this game and community meant and still means to me. Truly the niche internet micro-community to end all niche internet micro-communities. Thanks sim9 for being the maestro behind this orchestra, and everyone else, you know who you are, there are literally too many of you to list, and I hope each and every one of you is doing well, wherever life has taken you! 


SO, If you happen to stumble across this post by some power or chance or disney magic or something, what is one (or more, idk) memory of 8bitmmo that has stuck with you, to this day?



Never forget the friends you've made, and the memories you've had.

#2 Gotmilk



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Posted 25 August 2023 - 04:51 AM

Hey Setk, glad to hear you're doing well.


I think of this community often as well and how grateful I am that I stumbled across it one day while browsing the free section on steam on my old piece of junk laptop as my 14 y/o self back in June 2014.


Crazy to think its almost been 10 years since I found 8bitMMO.


Some of my favorite memories were when the game fully released on steam and was put on the front store page, all of us town or pocket-town owners were scrambling to sell building plots in our towns to the huuuuge influx of new players, and global chat was going crazy nonstop.


Another was when I finally convinced one of the mods, it may have been Grim or shcky, to sell me a townstone for some gold. Putting that town together with some friends was so much fun and the buildings they made in that town makes the town itself my own little time capsule, even if it is empty now, the memories are all still there.


Cheers, and hopefully we get some more replies to this!  :mrgreen:

#3 RB67



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Posted 28 August 2023 - 04:01 AM

Hermit and Myself winning the chest hunt is the one that I'm always reminiscent about, on top of #steakmoney


#4 RobbyZ



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Posted 14 November 2023 - 03:38 AM

Presenting 8BitMMO at Tokyo Game Show's SOWN awards.  When the map zoomed out and people saw the scale of the world, the audience just loved it.  I heard there was something like 20k people watching that live stream.  I had so much adrenaline my fingers were shaking when I was operating the slides. 


There were many other amazing moments, many fond memories of launching features, logging in and being welcomed with pages of people greeting me, quiet afternoons working with Dave & the crew at WIN/Reactor, huge surges of players during Steam/RPS/Kongregate/Yogscast/etc.  It was a really special time in my life. 

#5 ALinkToTheFuture


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Posted 07 December 2023 - 12:27 AM



Jk. Hope everyone's been doing well these last... A lot of years! I don't particularly have many memories of this game. Maybe the Valentine's Day event with that one texture pack I made. Good times

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