Post by ObscurityGD
From what I know this game has existed for many years, however, it now remains near empty. I joined the game only yesterday, and, I got bored very quickly. For an MMO, you'd expect more players, but, sadly that's not the case for this long forgotten MMO, people still play it, but it's definitely not often. I play on the "Dallas TX" primary server, and, most, if not all the time, I check /who, and I find that I'm the only player on that server. And I feel lonely there, that server, is currently an empty husk, and I'm the ONLY ONE, who actually goes on that server? I mean, talk about an underrated game! I definitely love everything about it except for it's lack of popularity. (and also it's microtransaction system but that's not the point) Either way, I just think this game deserves more popularity, more love, it's glory days are clearly over, but can't we still visit the servers every once in a while?