A hello to anyone who still checks up on this every now and again, hope you are doing well. Last time I played this game this game I was 17 and now I'm 22, kinda scary how fast time goes by...

Posted 25 September 2021 - 02:29 AM
bumchin furychin
[17:46] <@EightBitMMO> [GLOBAL] <bumchin> selling kidney's 1k each
Posted 27 September 2021 - 09:14 PM
kinda scary how fast time goes by...
This is so true
Posted 30 October 2021 - 04:05 PM
Hey bumchin, hope you're doing well. And i feel the same way, was 16 when i first started playing, going on 22 now here soon. definitely is scary how life just goes on quickly.
Posted 03 November 2021 - 07:47 PM
started in 2012 i think. its almost 2022...
Posted 26 November 2021 - 11:38 PM
yeah i started in 2013
Posted 21 December 2021 - 05:11 AM
Yes... yes it most definitely does.
Posted 29 December 2021 - 10:09 AM
Definitely feel you there Bumchin. I'm 19/20 now, so using your timeline the last time I played I was 14/15. Crazy how time flies by and now I'm actually in the US studying for college.
Recently I've been kinda into Crypto and NFTs, and a lot of the upcoming Metaverse/NFT projects really made me miss 8bitmmo because their sandbox gameplay/sense of community is so similar (although atm kinda inferior imo) to 8bitmmo. I didn't realize it earlier, but 8bitmmo was actually a huge part of my life and I do miss our community.
On that note, if someone could drop a link to the 8bitmmo discord I would appreciate it a lot!