So, I just got into this game a few days ago due to other time constraints, and i have to say that I do really enjoy it.
I've already found out about, through use, of the undocumented feature of stacking - for everything, from the item manufacturers (single & two item), loaders, unloaders and conveyor belts. I honestly think that the increases should be an upgrade available with Nat'l Stentiment, not just a 'buy more of the item'.
Second, I do not know if it is a bug or intended - but whenever I go through & hit the end, trade in the factory for Nat'l Sentiment, all of the value increases purchased reset. Honestly, I think it should be a continuing run saved in an outside global variable for the game, along with the speed upgrades for manufacturers, conveyor belts, and loaders/unloaders I mentioned previously.
Next - the lag issues for mass manufacturing runs. I know, I probably was never intended to make a 3-at-a-time-line for Vladimir Putin's pants, or a 5-at-a-time line for the Gun that Shoots Laser Guns, thanks to the stacking, but whenever I do make the larger lines, it bogs down the game Heavily. I'm not sure if this is due to an optimizaion problem because of the beta-state of the game, or if it is just my system (ASUS ROG i7-4700, that is about a year old).
Otherwise, I love the game, and I look at it as a more interesting & complex version of a lof the the Click-baits games (Adveture Capitalist, Clicker Heroes, Time Clickers, Tap Tap Infinity, etc.)