If you want to make a blueprint, but don't have sprite making skills, OR you have a sprite, but can't make your background invisible, I can help.
Post your sprite requests, and whether you want me to upload it to the blueprints page, or send you the sprite.
If you want to post the sprite yourself, just state your request, and let me know, so I can make it for you, and send it to you in a private message.
If you want me to post the blueprint for you, state item's name, design idea, suggested ingredients (1/2)
and any info that might be useful ex. colour, image that you want it to look somewhat like, etc.
I will post it on the blueprints page, and in the description, write "Requested by [Name]"
The only catch, for me doing the posting on the blueprints page myself, is if I don't think it would work/don't think it should be implemented/it's basically a copy of something that exists (or is an existing blueprint) I will make the sprite, however you will need to post it yourself.
One final rule: Nothing highly inappropriate/offensive. Edgy is OK. The most edgy in-game item is the porn firewall... So nothing more edgy than that... and with that said...