I need my items back (2 TELES AND 1 OVEN)

Do Not Trade List
Posted 10 July 2014 - 11:01 AM
Posted 10 July 2014 - 10:15 PM
from what i have heard blockbit doesn't seem to scam people but he is pretty dodge.
Posted 11 July 2014 - 05:28 AM
get YOUR garammar right, not THE.Off Topic: It's typed dodgy madman. Get the grammar right.
On topic: I have asked him but he seems to wriggle right out.
Learn grammar before scolding others.
Posted 11 July 2014 - 01:04 PM
get YOUR garammar right, not THE.
Learn grammar before scolding others.
m8 i have teh best grammer on teh 4rums.

Posted 12 July 2014 - 09:43 AM
Dont want to be scammed? Buy it from me =p
Posted 13 July 2014 - 07:51 PM
Dont want to be scammed? Buy it from me =p
I can never catch you online.
Anyway, what are your prices?
200 pixels!
Posted 13 July 2014 - 10:42 PM
I can never catch you online.
Anyway, what are your prices?
his prices are really cheap. the cheapest around one publicpad is ONLY 20k!!!!
Posted 14 July 2014 - 07:11 AM
Blockbit doesn't scammed me. He gived me the thiiiiiiings (finally!)
Posted 17 July 2014 - 05:00 PM
Asking an online in-game moderator while trading asking whether they are a scammer is quite of a good idea.
A proud fan of GIFS.
1:34 - 1:39 :3
Posted 18 July 2014 - 03:48 PM
While no scams have come up yet, I advise that everyone keep an eye on tikemaro. He was selling Riverside plots without permission or the ability to do so and was receiving all gold through trade, as well as this trick I picked up on right away. He was claiming he had a box for sale but I had a feeling he was lying.
Posted 18 July 2014 - 05:19 PM
While no scams have come up yet, I advise that everyone keep an eye on tikemaro. He was selling Riverside plots without permission or the ability to do so and was receiving all gold through trade, as well as this trick I picked up on right away. He was claiming he had a box for sale but I had a feeling he was lying.
[08:32] <@EightBitMMO> <WoLF_FaNGSS> Ill give u 2000g[08:32] <@EightBitMMO> <tikemaro> just[08:32] <@EightBitMMO> <tikemaro> sure[08:32] <@EightBitMMO> <WoLF_FaNGSS> for a box[08:32] <@EightBitMMO> <tikemaro> yes[08:32] <@EightBitMMO> <tikemaro> put?[08:32] <@EightBitMMO> <tikemaro> ok here[08:32] <@EightBitMMO> <tikemaro> ok there[08:32] <@EightBitMMO> [22] Players Online[08:33] <@EightBitMMO> <WoLF_FaNGSS> put a box[08:33] <@EightBitMMO> <tikemaro> i did?[08:33] <@EightBitMMO> <tikemaro> emmm???[08:33] <@EightBitMMO> <tikemaro> on my screen it shows a box.[08:33] <@EightBitMMO> <tikemaro> ...........[08:33] <@Toxic> tikemaro, don't try to scam please.[08:33] <@EightBitMMO> <tikemaro> im not i swear[08:33] <@EightBitMMO> <WoLF_FaNGSS> cancel then trade again[08:33] <@Toxic> I have a feeling you don't have a box.
1. He doesn't have the box.
2. He is a nüb, and he trolled to me saying that he was a official. But failed. IMA NINJA.
3. ...
4. So that.
5. He Trolled a few players too.
Posted 18 July 2014 - 10:30 PM
don't like your own posts.1. He doesn't have the box.
2. He is a nüb, and he trolled to me saying that he was a official. But failed. IMA NINJA.
3. ...
4. So that.5. He Trolled a few players too.
Posted 19 July 2014 - 06:12 AM
While no scams have come up yet, I advise that everyone keep an eye on tikemaro. He was selling Riverside plots without permission or the ability to do so and was receiving all gold through trade, as well as this trick I picked up on right away. He was claiming he had a box for sale but I had a feeling he was lying.
[08:32] <@EightBitMMO> <WoLF_FaNGSS> Ill give u 2000g[08:32] <@EightBitMMO> <tikemaro> just[08:32] <@EightBitMMO> <tikemaro> sure[08:32] <@EightBitMMO> <WoLF_FaNGSS> for a box[08:32] <@EightBitMMO> <tikemaro> yes[08:32] <@EightBitMMO> <tikemaro> put?[08:32] <@EightBitMMO> <tikemaro> ok here[08:32] <@EightBitMMO> <tikemaro> ok there[08:32] <@EightBitMMO> [22] Players Online[08:33] <@EightBitMMO> <WoLF_FaNGSS> put a box[08:33] <@EightBitMMO> <tikemaro> i did?[08:33] <@EightBitMMO> <tikemaro> emmm???[08:33] <@EightBitMMO> <tikemaro> on my screen it shows a box.[08:33] <@EightBitMMO> <tikemaro> ...........[08:33] <@Toxic> tikemaro, don't try to scam please.[08:33] <@EightBitMMO> <tikemaro> im not i swear[08:33] <@EightBitMMO> <WoLF_FaNGSS> cancel then trade again[08:33] <@Toxic> I have a feeling you don't have a box.
ahh tikemaro. he seems really desperate to get gold. he said he needed 100gold for blocks and being the generous guy i am i gave it to him. he said that was enough but 5minutes later he asks for another 100gold. i'm not sure if this counts as scamming though.
Posted 19 July 2014 - 09:09 AM
While no scams have come up yet, I advise that everyone keep an eye on tikemaro. He was selling Riverside plots without permission or the ability to do so and was receiving all gold through trade, as well as this trick I picked up on right away. He was claiming he had a box for sale but I had a feeling he was lying.
[08:32] <@EightBitMMO> <WoLF_FaNGSS> Ill give u 2000g[08:32] <@EightBitMMO> <tikemaro> just[08:32] <@EightBitMMO> <tikemaro> sure[08:32] <@EightBitMMO> <WoLF_FaNGSS> for a box[08:32] <@EightBitMMO> <tikemaro> yes[08:32] <@EightBitMMO> <tikemaro> put?[08:32] <@EightBitMMO> <tikemaro> ok here[08:32] <@EightBitMMO> <tikemaro> ok there[08:32] <@EightBitMMO> [22] Players Online[08:33] <@EightBitMMO> <WoLF_FaNGSS> put a box[08:33] <@EightBitMMO> <tikemaro> i did?[08:33] <@EightBitMMO> <tikemaro> emmm???[08:33] <@EightBitMMO> <tikemaro> on my screen it shows a box.[08:33] <@EightBitMMO> <tikemaro> ...........[08:33] <@Toxic> tikemaro, don't try to scam please.[08:33] <@EightBitMMO> <tikemaro> im not i swear[08:33] <@EightBitMMO> <WoLF_FaNGSS> cancel then trade again[08:33] <@Toxic> I have a feeling you don't have a box.
I haven't seen this, but I agree.
A proud fan of GIFS.
1:34 - 1:39 :3
Posted 20 July 2014 - 12:38 AM
It's pretty easy to spend 100g on blocks mane. That's not spamming. Someone should have told him to farm at /tele zoo.
Toxic was on at the time, so if there were any problems he can solve it.
ahh i see. but i was on yesterday as well and he asked for 400gold saying he needed it for his house. i had seen the house he was building and it was already complete. but this time i just told him to go and farm some gold and he seemed ok with it so maybe he wasn't scamming.
im not sure if this counts as scamming but wangieclown was advertising an island in the wild, and said if you pay him 400gold first he will whisper you the teleport name. turns out it is just /tele west (kjh's teleport). luckily after a lot of convincing i managed to make him let me see the island first so i wouldn't be scammed.
Posted 20 July 2014 - 12:42 AM
Asking someone for gold isn't scamming. Saying they'll "give the rest of the gold from their safe" after a trade can be scamming.
That second one is though.
oh ok then. but i told him to stop doing it and he did.
Posted 24 July 2014 - 09:33 AM
im not sure if this counts as scamming but wangieclown was advertising an island in the wild, and said if you pay him 400gold first he will whisper you the teleport name. turns out it is just /tele west (kjh's teleport). luckily after a lot of convincing i managed to make him let me see the island first so i wouldn't be scammed.
oh ok then. but i told him to stop doing it and he did.
I´ve not stoppped it because of you. I´ve showed the island to one player, he was content with the island and he gave me 400g for my work as guide. I didn´t care about you.
It´s funny to see how you stretch the truth.
Posted 24 July 2014 - 09:39 AM
I said that island is in the wild and I said that for 400g I would show you that island. It is few minutes from the teleport, not just on that teleport, and you have to kill lot of mobs to get there. It was normal job as a guide and protecter. Some players don´t know that teleport - you obliviously didn´t too, and they would appretiate having their island. I´ve showed you the island and you didn´t like it, so I didn´t take the money. That´s all, snitchie.I´ve not stoppped it because of you. I´ve showed the island to one player, he was content with the island and he gave me 400g for my work as guide. I didn´t care about you.
It´s funny to see how you stretch the truth.
But you can't sell property you don't own.
If you make it clear that it's not your island that's fine.

Posted 24 July 2014 - 05:09 PM
Actually, I didn´t sell property, I only sold service - transport from anywhere to the island. I also highlighted that the island is in the wildness and that there are not neighbors.
Posted 24 July 2014 - 08:41 PM
Blockbit is a scammer. He scammed me into giving him an expand for 15k. His idiocy is what makes him untradeable with.
Update: He has paid me my 10k but now owes mryoda and setk money.