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Townstones movable idea

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#1 Scratso


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Posted 11 June 2013 - 04:36 PM



So, i wanted to post this to the Suggestion Box but ran out of votes :/ .


So, you know how it's annoying when:

  1. You place a townstone, wanted it in the centre, but it isn't.
  2. You later want to change the townstone's z-axis.
  3. You like moving your townstone around your town. :P

Well, you can't :( .


So, RobbyZ, could you make it possible to move the townstone, but here are 2 things that will be parameters for the idea:

  1. All the Town Borders stay the same to reduce loss of home risk.
  2. The Townstone may NOT move outside of the Town's Borders, allowing central placement, etc...
  3. And the Townstone does not enter the Inventory, it is Automatically Active and, to stop town-removal, returns to its original spot if you log out without clicking to place it.

RobbyZ, please try do this idea...


#2 RobbyZ



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Posted 12 June 2013 - 08:43 PM

It might be possible to 'push' a townstone within the center region, but it wouldn't be possible to pick it up.  But I don't much want to have to implement pushing -- too many potential bugs :(

#3 Scratso


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Posted 15 June 2013 - 09:27 PM

It might be possible to 'push' a townstone within the center region, but it wouldn't be possible to pick it up.  But I don't much want to have to implement pushing -- too many potential bugs :(

Any way to move the townstone around the town'll be helpful, just so long as you allow z-axis changing as well. I put it at 0 when I wanted mine on 8 :)


#4 Trololo



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Posted 11 July 2013 - 10:10 PM

i like this idea



#5 Meep


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Posted 14 August 2013 - 01:03 PM

i like this idea

I like your liking of this idea.

"Meep" - Meep

#6 Trololo



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Posted 14 August 2013 - 08:25 PM

I like your liking of this idea.


