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World Atlas

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#1 powerflower


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Posted 10 April 2012 - 09:24 AM

Just wanted to say thank you for putting up another screenshot of the world at the blog. It's great to see how the world has changed.

I really think this is key in promoting the game and getting more people interested. Since the game is all about building, being able to properly show off all the stuff being built and how the world is changing is crucial.

If it was possible, I would like to see a screenshot of the whole world, every week! I understand that this is probably not technically possible, but would it be possible to implement some kind of map mode, which would allow every user to take a screenshot like the ones you have put in the world atlas? If so, we could all contribute to try and make an impossibly big screenshot of the whole world..

#2 RobbyZ



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Posted 10 April 2012 - 10:49 PM

Thanks, I was pleasantly surprised to see several retweets of the blog post on twitter

Been thinking about ways to do a map dump of the whole world, but it's too big to fit in one image, so it'd have to be a google earth sort of thing. My screenshot tool uses some h4x to avoid being killed by lawyercats and allow quick movement, but possibly I could offer a 'dump region to numbered screenshot' to allow people to manually walk around and take screens, and then stitch them up later.

#3 Psy



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Posted 16 April 2012 - 03:29 AM

Been thinking about ways to do a map dump of the whole world, but it's too big to fit in one image, so it'd have to be a google earth sort of thing.

That would be sweet

#4 RobbyZ



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Posted 18 April 2012 - 08:15 PM

And should be done with that later today ;)

#5 darkhog



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Posted 24 April 2012 - 08:53 AM

Hm... How about real-time map? It'll use game's engine to render and retrieve data from game's database but it'll be smaller (used 2x smaller sprites).

#6 RobbyZ



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Posted 24 April 2012 - 07:05 PM

Unfortunately, not feasible. Has to be pre-rendered.