Tile Suggestions
Posted 03 April 2012 - 12:39 AM
These are just a few simple tiles I'd like to see in the game. Please post your own ideas!
1. Shallow Water (lighter color)
2. Deep Sea (darker color)
3. Sand
4. Compact Glass (half block)
5. Obsidian
6. Flowers (grass block with flowers)
7. Berry Bushes (grass block with colored dots)
8. Round Blocks (for use in columns)
9. Metalic Blocks (copper, gold, silver, bronze, platinum, mythril, etc.)
10. Tilled Earth (lined dirt)
11. Lava
12. Vines (thorny vines)
13. Fencing (wooden, chainlink, bars, etc.)
14. Clouds
15. Small Tree (a full block in the shape of a tree)
16. Large Trees Parts (leaves, trunk, branches, roots)
17. Boxes (cardboard and wooden)
18. Holes (black pits, rocky craters, impact zones, etc.)
19. Sidewalks
20. Snow
21. Ice
22. Tatami Mats
23. Vertical Wood Slats
24. Plain Colored Tiles (primary, secondary, and tertiary colors)
25. Slime (green liquid)
26. Poison (purple liquid)
27. Fire
28. Smoke
29. Fog
30. Tile Flooring (black and white, etc.)
Posted 03 April 2012 - 08:30 PM

Posted 08 April 2012 - 10:23 PM
Can't think of anything else in particular right now.
*runs around under cardboard box*
Posted 24 April 2012 - 08:50 AM
Posted 24 April 2012 - 07:05 PM
Posted 28 April 2012 - 07:54 AM
Posted 07 June 2012 - 05:53 AM
Posted 01 September 2012 - 11:28 AM
I think the sign block should not obstruct movement. So annoying.
Sand and carpet should have textured sides.
Additional sign variants.
These are like signs except that they can be placed on another player's tile, causing it to change ownership. A different editing method will therefore be needed.
This is inspired by some signs I've seen placed near other's work where the obvious problem is that only the author can remove it. These should be cheaper than signs (or signs more expensive) so people choose appropriately.
Of course one could give this behaviour to signs instead of having a separate block, but I think an obvious visual distinction between levels of authority is worth keeping, so for example, a visitor knows which signs might be relevant to them.
[edit: amendment]
Because they can be placed on other player's tiles, they cannot behave like solid objects. Otherwise it would be possible to bypass the builder's intentions such as unclimbable walls, restricted visibility etc.
Message "boxes":
When a player 'actions' this block, they can leave a message for the owner at a gold cost sufficient to deter overuse.It would have some alternative graphic when there are messages.
When the owner actions it, they can read the messages, and maybe have the option to reply (again at gold cost) provided provided a suitable destination box can be automatically determined.
I think the graphical theme allows some creativity. Mailbox flags mean something else, but venus flytrap with or without envelope, carrier bird/creature/machine pad vacant or occupied ...?
A simple version would be a fun and possibly useful feature without the need for more sophisticated messaging possibilities to be considered.
I have reposted these to a related suggestion to allow votes.
I won't suggest any now, but think you should consider gold pricing in terms of how prevalent you want different materials to be in the world.
Edited by obliquely, 05 September 2012 - 05:56 AM.
Posted 03 September 2012 - 03:27 AM
I've been thinking about the problem of ceilings where, as soon as you walk upscreen of them, they themselves become foreground objects that obscure the player character, which may defeat the purpose of using them.
Flat, transparent Glass
This is simply a half-block with minimal graphic, say a dotted square outline halfway up.
The engine would not have to behave differently, except perhaps for not graphically culling background objects.
View Pad
The basic idea is that it creates the effect of a low ceiling when you walk on it (or through it, depending on how it's implemented).
It could be a type of solid block, but it would be best if it allowed other flooring materials to be used with it; A non-obstructing block that can sit on the floor seems the most intuitive (possible graphic: circle on the bottom face).
But alternatives include making the quirk with multiple objects in the same position a permanent feature, or allowing extra data to be set on blocks (which would be cleared if the block is picked up).
Tile Effects
Note: My understanding is that "tile" is used for XY coords, not objects like blocks.
Anti-X-Ray and Darkness
Why: Mazes, puzzles, works-in-progress that are not ready for public viewing, RP.
Currently, X-Ray prevention is possible by wasting a lot of space.
The basic idea is that if you are not on the same tile as an AXR block with the same owner, then Z-clipping reveals only Darkness blocks at every tile below an AXR block. But if you are in the same tile as an AXR block, then all tiles with an AXR block having the same owner are revealed normally.
These are posted in the suggestion box for voting.
Edited by obliquely, 05 September 2012 - 06:08 AM.
Posted 04 September 2012 - 08:26 PM
Posted 17 September 2012 - 02:51 AM
Roof blocks
Blocks 3 and 4 are visually identical.
Clearly, they are intended for different situations, but because they look the same, players will have used them in random combinations.
Of course they don't stack together, which is annoying when there's no other distinction.
1) Change all world and inventory instances of roof-block-4 ID to roof-block-3 ID.
There is no way to ensure structures already using them will be consistent with any future graphical distinction between roles, so retaining separate IDs is pointless.
Missing Graphic
One edge graphic is not filled by any block.
This effectively kills three other edge types if four-way symmetry is required.
2) Replace the roof-block-4 graphic with the attached.
Posted 17 September 2012 - 08:02 PM
I have logged bugs #30 & #31 for these issues
Posted 09 July 2013 - 12:29 PM
Obliquely has some good ideas. Especially the viewing pad thing. It is really ennoying when you make tall buildings and as soon as you walk in, the front wall will obscure the inside.
Also, I want to add some more block ideas:
Round blocks
f you stack them you can make pillars.
Marble stone blocks
So you can make ancient greek buildings with historical accuracy
More Furniture
Like bookshelfs, Freezer, Desk, TV, couch, kitchen dresser etc.
More coloured glass blocks
Glass in different colours like yellow, red, green etc.
Stained Glass block
Handy for making churches
Cobblestone path
A block with a cobblestone path texture on it, like this:
A tall block with the texture of a painting on the side. If you place it between a wall it will look like a painting hung on the wall.
Rock blocks
So you can decorate your dull landscape with some ambient stuff. other ambient stuff would be bushes, grass patches, flower patches etc.
If by any chance you're gonna add a day-night system here are some cool blocks for it:
Light blocks
Gives light to the surrounding when its night.
Neon blocks
Give neon-coloured light, will look really cool when it's night.
Glow in the dark blocks
Maybe a bit the same like neon blocks, but it's just awesome
Posted 09 July 2013 - 09:07 PM
Good tile ideas. Next time I go to make some new tiles, I will refer back to this thread
Posted 10 July 2013 - 03:26 PM
I can't wait for new tiles!
Kamaitachi mentioned fences, I'd love to see fences. And ice, ice should be really slippery and fun.
Posted 11 July 2013 - 12:24 AM
I can only imagine the deviousness of ice + spikes
Posted 11 July 2013 - 10:21 PM
Fences would be the best!
Posted 12 July 2013 - 01:25 AM
Presumably, fences would need to be super thin... that'd probably require special placement rules as the other tiles are generally full-size and place nicely on a grid.
Posted 12 July 2013 - 10:51 PM
cant you make it like the pointy roof block? its not square and it still fits perfectly you could make it like that
Posted 17 July 2013 - 12:21 PM
Presumably, fences would need to be super thin... that'd probably require special placement rules as the other tiles are generally full-size and place nicely on a grid.
If it is possible, you could make it so that you have to place the fences on the borders of the grid. I mean between the blocks.
Or you just give it a small hitbox and a small sprite and follow the grid just as all the other blocks. The sign is also made that way except the sign is placed at the end of a tile and not in the middle where the fence should be.