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tips and tricks to level up for new players

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#1 SneakySneakers



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Posted 11 August 2013 - 06:45 PM

intro: leveling up makes you able to buy new blocks and raises your hp by 3. the way this tutorial is laid out: RED: unreccomended. ORANGE: only for the small minority (get the pun?) YELLOW: not the best way, but it can do. green: recommended for most peopleblue: pretty much for everyone. lets begin:


level 1: farming weak enemies. player killing (get your ninja dodging skills ready). doing the lawyercat quest (really freakin fast). farming strong enemies (dummkopf).

level 2: farming weak enemies (requires alot of patience),  player killing (watch out for stronger players with better weapons) farming strong enemies (still suicidal but the health boost makes it tolerable)  doing the lawyercat quest (now takes around 15 times even WITH the extra EXP)

level 3: farming weak enemies. player killing (buy blue sword first). farming strong enemies (give more EXP but get the blue sword first) doing the lawyercat quest (might make beginning boosts and ending triumphs)

level 4: farmi.. you get the point. farming strong enemies (less EXP but less suicidal). player killing (same for strong enemies) lawyercat quest (the EXP is barely something)

level 5: everything but then 1 grade lower.

level 6: max level.

(this was admittebly made to make a fresh start for helping new players)


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#2 Trololo



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Posted 11 August 2013 - 09:24 PM

Thats all wrong just do the Lawyercat quest the whole time and you will level up the quickest.



#3 Δ§Δ§IN Zloc

Δ§Δ§IN Zloc

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Posted 11 August 2013 - 10:48 PM

Thats all wrong just do the Lawyercat quest the whole time and you will level up the quickest

I said that is exactly what I said in my topic 8bitmmo stuff to know. I hope people read that thing.

Highlight my Signature to see it! 

Good work Assassin. But I'm still better than you at being it. Try to top my "signature skills" with one of your own. 

I'M THE AUTHOR OF 8BITMMO, and the best Assassin around who was the first one actually jumped over spikes by kicking off a wall, YEP. I'm serious! 

ezio_pixelart___animated_by_growlitheappAlso be sure to check out my Info Guide: 8bitmmo: Stuff To Know (All you need to know about 8bitmmo!)

#4 Trololo



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Posted 14 August 2013 - 12:57 AM

MEh it was too long for me when I already knew what I was doing but it seems to be great :D 



#5 Δ§Δ§IN Zloc

Δ§Δ§IN Zloc

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Posted 14 August 2013 - 12:46 PM

MEh it was too long for me when I already knew what I was doing but it seems to be great :D

Yeah, I made it smaller by putting it into bullets for those kinds of people. 

Highlight my Signature to see it! 

Good work Assassin. But I'm still better than you at being it. Try to top my "signature skills" with one of your own. 

I'M THE AUTHOR OF 8BITMMO, and the best Assassin around who was the first one actually jumped over spikes by kicking off a wall, YEP. I'm serious! 

ezio_pixelart___animated_by_growlitheappAlso be sure to check out my Info Guide: 8bitmmo: Stuff To Know (All you need to know about 8bitmmo!)